Hi there. I’m back. Today is the same day with yesterday. There is no action, no surprise; only usual things. In short, it’s ordinary. I’m getting bored day by day. I just wanna **** off, so away from here. Told it before, everything becoming useless, senseless, freaking odd. Already missed family, bffs, relatives etc. Being away from here is gonna be better for me after this hundred and thirty six days. I can see the end of the tunnel even there is thirty six days remaining.
I seriously don’t know what to do after a month. Maybe, resting, going somewhere else or staying home. Staying home is proper, yep.
Nowadays, I listen to Imogen Heap’s thouching, inspring musics. I admire her. Today, I hope, I’ll receive my smartphone. I sense there will be some problem. Don’t wanna be demoralised because of that.